Rainbow Bookshelf


My bookshelves are a hot mess. There is no sense of order to my books, I was just shoving any book anywhere that it fit. I had some spare time the other day so I decided to colour code some of my books, to make a rainbow. I know there are some people that are completely against this, and I have read many blog posts outlining why it isn't a good idea, because it's hard to find the books you want. But I like it looks really beautiful, plus I wasn't able to find the books I was after anyway, because I had no organisation system. Now at least, if I know the colour of the spine, I will hopefully be able to find the book I'm after.

So presenting my ridiculously messy rainbow shelf:

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  1. I love your shelf! I like looking at rainbow bookshelves but haven't had guts to re-organize mine that way yet :)

    1. If you have yours organised properly - don't do it! Haha I only did it a few weeks ago and it's already starting to get a little annoying. I keep on finding more rainbow books and theres no room for them unless I move lots of them!

  2. I think this looks lovely! I'm a visual person, and oftentimes find myself finding a book based on the color, because I can't remember the EXACT title or author's name.

    1. Thank you! I often find the same thing happening to myself :)

  3. I love it! Even if I start making a system for my books, I can never remember. So I just try to make my book look aesthetically pleasing.

    1. Thanks! Agreed - I am so terrible at putting books back where they belong.


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