How I like to Relax


Today I thought I would make a post about what I like to do to relax. I am a PhD student, studying Molecular Microbiology. So obviously on my day-to-day I am engaging my mind, and problem solving. Relaxing once I get home from a day in the lab is so important for my mental health. So here is a list of the things that I love to do and find relaxing

1. Read... Duh.
I obviously had to include reading on this list. Ever since I was young getting lost in a good book is something that I love to do. When I read I feel so sucked in and can put my life, and any problems I might be having on hold for a few hours.

2. Spend Time in the Kitchen
I love to cook and bake. Making dinner at the end of the day is a really relaxing and rewarding time for me, and it's relaxing making a trusty old favourite recipe (for me it's Laksa, yum!). But I love to experiment with food too. I am vegan and I am always trying new vegan recipes and baking. Cooking and baking are such relaxing activities for me.

3. Watch TV
When I am feeling lazy or blue nothing can quite cheer me up like putting on one of my favourite comedy TV shows. My all time favourites are Friends, Gilmore Girls, How I Met Your Mother, Parks and Rec, and recently Crazy Ex Girlfriend. I am one of those people that can watch the same episode of my favourite shows (such as the ones listed above) over and over and over until I can practically recite every line.

4. Take a Bath
Taking baths is not something I do often, but it is the ultimate pampering treat after a really long day. I am more than slightly obsessed with Lush, and all of their bath and shower products, and have a not too shabby collection myself. I love to run a bath and pop in a bath bomb or bubble bar and relax.

5. Spend Time with my Cat
This one may sound silly to non-animal lovers but I love to hang out with my cat. He really is the best. Actually I love to hang out with all cats, and volunteer in the feline area of my local animal shelter, which is super rewarding, and I get to have so many cat cuddles.

6. Spend Time with my Partner
I'm sure if he reads this he will ask me why the hell the cat is above him on the list - I was saving the best until last! We live together and spending time together, whether it be blobbing on the couch and watching TV, doing our own things in each others company, cooking, or going on fun adventures together is the best way I spend my time. Sorry to be cheesy but being together is my absolute favourite way I could spend time.

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  1. Great list!! Besides the whole reading thing (duh!), I love watching TV and playing with my dog. She's the best. :)

    1. I love dogs! When I volunteer at my local shelter I always pop in and send some time with the dogs


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