Review: What If? Serious Scientific Answers to Absurd Hypothetical Questions by Randall Munroe


Nerd Royalty. I am a nerd and I approve this statement.

Can you make a jetpack with downwards facing machine guns?
What happens if all of your DNA suddenly disappears?

This book is exactly as the title says: serious scientific answers to absurd questions. This was a really fun read. I am into science (I am a molecular microbiology PhD candidate) and I have read some reviews that said it was a little science heavy, but most of the answers were physics based and were written in a way that the lay man can understand.

The questions were answered with a few pages of proper science and hilarious comics were dotting amongst the answers. The answers were diligently researched and the writing style was hilarious

Every few pages were fun sections of ‘Weird and slightly worrying questions from the What If inbox”. Which were insane questions sent in to the author, which made you question the sanity of the person sending them in

.... Hello, Police?

Apparently Will Wheaton narrates the audiobook, which I think would be such an awesome way to hear this story, part of me wants to get the audiobook so I can experience this all over again told from Will Wheaton.

If you are a geek, or anyone who loves science, this is a must get! It was so so so fantastic.

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