Beautiful Oblivion by Jamie McGuire - Quick Review


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Rating 5/5

This book is the first in 'The Maddox Brothers' series. Which is a companion series to Beautiful Disaster. I read Beautiful Disaster and Walking Disaster in 2013, and I loved them. By that I mean I started the book at 8pm, and finished it at 3am that same night, so I knew these books were a must read. I finished this book in a similar amount of time, and as you can see I read this one on my kindle (I seem to read books super fast when I read on my kindle)

The story is about Trenton and Cami. Cami goes to college and tends the bar at The Red Door, her life is complicated and she is in a long distance relationship when she meets Trenton.
Trenton is Tavis's older brother, he works in a tattoo parlour, in the town where the college is. Trenton, much like Travis (and I'm sure any Maddox boy in the future books) was very charming, and a name like Maddox pretty much spells trouble. He was more gentle and caring than Travis, but covered with tattoos and an ultimate book boyfriend.

This book takes place at the same time as Beautiful Disaster, so there was some overlap as it runs parallel to the story. It was interesting to see some scenes from BD with Travis and Abby from a different POV.

Jamie McGuire writes complicated, likeable characters, with rich family histories and backgrounds. Her writing style is fluent, fast paced and addictive! If you like New Adult contemporary, you should 100% give this book a go - but I would first recommend reading Beautiful Disaster before starting the Maddox Brothers series.

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